How Great Mentorship Can Change Your Life.

How Great Mentorship Can Change Your Life.

How Great Mentorship Can Change Your Life.

Don’t go it alone

There are many instances where people hit the proverbial “wall,” and begin to doubt their ability to work through some specific challenges.

This could relate to a relationship, a problem with a partner or spouse, a career struggle that’s leaving you questioning whether you’re in a job that’s right for you, a problem dealing with parents or children – and so much more.

Whatever the problem, you find yourself struggling to work through it. You’re faced with many “do or die” scenarios, or you’re trying to get past any one of the different roadblocks life hands you when you’re least expecting it.

Everyone has struggles. You can be financially successful, yet still long for a different career. You can be happy in your relationship, yet still want to feel something more with your partner. It happens to each one of us at some time in our lives, and the key is to try to work through it.

The only problem is, trying to do it on your own doesn’t always work out so well. That’s why the concept of a personal mentor has taken off at a remarkable pace, and the use of personal mentors continues to soar. So how can you put the power of a personal mentor to work for you?

Exclusive Bonus: Start your search for the perfect mentor with this Free Download on the Top 10 Tips for Finding the Right Mentor.

What is a mentor?

A mentor is a person who has a specific level of experience in one or more areas, and has the ability to guide a person with less experience by providing positive behaviors to model.


The key to a good mentor is that he or she is trustworthy, authentic, engaged and most importantly, relating to the needs of the person they’re guiding.

The relationship between a mentor and the mentee is one that is built on mutual trust and respect. Without those two values, nothing can be accomplished. This is something that develops over time. You’ll be sharing some fairly intimate secrets with your mentor, so you have to have a trust and respect for them, and in turn they must be trustworthy.

Here are some things to look for or consider when looking for a mentor:


  • Can they maintain your information on a confidential basis?
  • Can the mentor value you as a person?
  • Can they help you solve your problem or issue, rather than just spouting directions?

Those questions are just for starters. There are many other things to look for, because you’re going to be looking for your mentor to provide you with motivation, inspiration, emotional support and acting as a role model for you. There are also many different types of mentors, from career mentors to relationship mentors to financial mentors and spiritual mentors.


Putting personal mentorship to work for you

Whatever type of mentor you end up choosing, they’ll be playing different roles. This includes acting as a teacher, to give you information that can help you be successful. They can act as a counselor, to help you explore your life. A mentor can also be a coach, providing you with the skills and knowledge you need to take action, or a cheerleader, to provide you with encouragement as you move forward.

A mentor can also be an advisor, helping you define your goals – both short and long-term, and help evaluate your progress as you implement your goals. They can act as a motivator – someone ready to cheer you on and inspire you to take the steps, and risks if required, to achieve your goals.

There are so many different types of personal mentors available you’re required to narrow down your specific needs before selecting one that’s right for you. A professional mentor works in the same industry that you do, and can provide insight into the appropriate best practices you need to follow in order to achieve success.

An organizational mentor helps you thrive within an organization, by helping you understand and deal with the various politics that come into play in many different companies.

If you’re having trouble with day-to-day deadlines and are constantly behind in your projects, you may want to consider a work-process mentor. This type of mentor will show you how to eliminate the things that are holding you back from achieving your daily goals, teaching how to work more effectively and efficiently.

There’s also a technology mentor. This is becoming more and more important for career success, because technology is playing such a more prominent role in the workforce. This type of mentor will help you understand how to utilize the new technology and incorporate it into your work and personal life.

There’s also a spiritual mentor, an important personal mentorship in many people’s lives. A spiritual mentor can help you create a deep sense of the presence of God in your life, while helping you develop a strong, meaningful life.

Exclusive Bonus: Start your search for the perfect mentor with this Free Download on the Top 10 Tips for Finding the Right Mentor.

Gain Insight

One of the key ways a mentor can help you is by helping you gain insight into a specific problem or a specific aspect of your life.  The truth is, there’s no better way to learn what to do or not do in any given situation than by learning from a trusted friend or colleague – or mentor. That’s how people gain insight – using the experience and judgment of others, and using that information to help make insightful decisions about what could be best for ourselves.

There are several ways they can do this. First, the mentor can give you guidance along with constructive feedback. This involves looking at your current strengths and weaknesses, and using this knowledge to become more successful in your career, relationship or personal life. Mentors can provide you with valuable insight into what it takes to be successful, whether it relates to your career, a relationship or giving you the insight needed to resolve a difficult situation.

Another way you can gain insight from your mentor is by having your mentor share their knowledge and skills with you. This is invaluable expertise to have on your side. Because your mentor is willing to share their experiences and knowledge, you will gain insight on how to solve or resolve a myriad of different issues.

Your mentor – your role model

Many people believe that mentoring is one of the best ways to achieve caterer success – and for good reason. There is so much to gain from a trusted mentor, as they offer you knowledge, expertise and insight gained from years of experience in the workplace.

They also become an effective role model for you to pattern yourself after; because they’ve confronted the pitfalls you’re facing and persevered.  Through their actions and their words, they offer a visual of the type of professional behavior you need to sustain in order to achieve success with your work.

As a role model, a mentor can help you grow in your current position by providing you with the tools you need to succeed through all stages of your career. You can take their knowledge and learn from their experiences, and let them help you find solutions to problems or issues.

Choosing a mentor

Ok, you’re sold on a mentor. You like the idea of having a trusted, knowledgeable person who can help you by using their knowledge, experience and vision to guide you. You want a role model, one who you can emulate to resolve problems, advance in your career or boost your relationship. You want to gain insight from your mentor and solve your own problems, set your own goals or succeed in your professional and personal life.

But how do you choose a mentor?

First, you have to understand that there is no “one-size-fits-all mentor.” Unless you’ve come into contact with Superman or Superwoman, nobody has the innate ability to guide you in all aspects of your life. Some mentors are better at career guidance, others at better at helping you with relationships or fitness programs, still others are best adapted to help with spiritual mentoring.

Next, ask questions! Find out how the mentor to be likes to work, what frequency they prefer to meet and how they achieved their own success. Ask yourself if you would be able to work with the mentor. Are they inspiring and supportive? See if you can project yourself in a working relationship with the mentor, and if you can answer “yes,” you’re on the right track.

If you’re seeking a career mentor, ask if they prefer to give advice or if they would rather encourage you to make decisions on your own. If they answered the latter, you’re looking at a good potential mentor. Ask yourself if the person has the type of skills and knowledge you’re looking for. After all, you want a mentor you can learn from.

Finally, you have to have an honest relationship with your mentor if it’s going to work. Look for someone who is open and honest, and has a track record of mentorship that both of you can be proud of.

Finding a mentor is easy, but finding the right mentor can take some time and effort. So we’d like to make it a little easier for you to choose the right mentor.

Exclusive Bonus: Start your search for the perfect mentor with this Free Download on the Top 10 Tips for Finding the Right Mentor.